Part 2: Robbing the Dwarf

Hello everyone and welcome back to King's Quest II. Now that we've got the first death out of the way, let's continue on and see what we can't accomplish.

This will come into play toward the end of the game. Try and guess how! If you already know, then no cheating. This is screen D2 by the way.

Unlike the first game where only a set number of screens were dangerous, this time most of them are. The thieving dwarf is back from the first game, as well as the enchanter (that I never showed off), and rounding out the enemies is the local witch.
They can pop up on most of the screens. So if you're making your way around, it's best to play things safe and stick to the outer edges of the screen when possible.

Case in point. Hagatha appeared out of nowhere from the top part of the screen, and is beelining straight for King Graham. Unlike the first game, we can't kill her. So we just need to continue Graham's proud tradition and run away.

Down on F3, we find a collapsed tree.

Down on screen G4 is this little tree house where the Dwarf lives. We'll duck into his house later on and rob him blind for a change. Right now we're still out exploring the land.

Here on screen F5 is this lone tree with some rocks piled up next to it.

Screens A5 and A6 are home to a little spanish style mission. There's even a neat message if you knock on the door.

You actually have to type "Graham" into the text parser.

This next step is something that you may not think to do, but is incredibly important all the same.

One screen down from the mission, is this pond. The small hole in the rock sticks out like a sore thumb, so let's investigate.

I'm starting to notice a diamond and sapphire theme.

Back up on A5, just randomly wandering around looking for treasure, and a random event happens.

The fairy's protection is exactly like the fairy godmother from the first game, except you can get it multiple times.

So now fortified with protection, let's end this update by exploring the dwarf's house.

Graham doesn't climb ladders well. He attaches to them fine, but you have to use the rather imprecise start-and-stop movement to get down.

Someone smarter than I am would find this is an excellent time to return the game speed to normal, or at least fast. Otherwise you can't really fine tune your movement.

The dwarf has a chance to be home when you enter this screen. If he catches you in his house, and you don't have fairy protection, he'll kick you out and you have to try again.
Anyway, there's only two things worth doing on this screen. First, we need to get close to the fire.

The flavor message lets you know you're close enough to get the item.

Next after the pot, the chest that the look command pointed out...

Three guesses what the earrings are made of.

Anyway, that's going to do it for the main part of the update. But I have some bonus content as well!

First off, you can indeed type "swim" in order to start swimming.
Poil asked if typing drown into the parser did anything while swimming.

Sadly no.

MagusofStars and Jabor wanted to know about swimming into the ocean.

So no swimming across the ocean back to Daventry, either.
Let me know if there's more stuff you guys want me to show off. The game world is so small that it takes basically no time at all to do something weird. I also have all my saves still, so I can load any point from the start to the finish in an instant.
NEXT TIME: This game has a plot. We should actually attend to that.
List of Points
+2 - Raising the Stakes
+7 - Priceless jewelry in the fallen tree
+2 - Mallet in the tree
+2 - Praying
+2 - Holy Cross
+2 - Wearing the cross
+1 - Looking in a dark hole
+7 - More priceless jewlery in a mundane location
+2 - Stealing supper
+7 - Yet more priceless jewelry
Total: 51/185
Register of Deaths
Drowning in the Ocean